About Transmoto


About Transmoto

Hey, how are ya? You might know us in a few different ways. Transmoto started as a print magazine in 2010. When people stopped reading things on paper, or going to the newsagent for anything else other than a lottery ticket or a cheeky scratchy, we went purely online. 

Chances are you’ve seen something on the Transmoto interweb that has helped you buy the right bike, find the right gear, or just froth out on riding dirt squirters in general.  

The main thing we do now is run fun enduro events on private properties for bloody legends who want to get out and ride bikes with their mates. We don't race for sheep stations, but there is certainly some pride (and balls) on the line when we get out there. 

More recently we have been dabbling in some apparel. T’s, Hoodies and Caps mostly, but a few other bits and pieces in between. Even some gear for the hugs and kisses and the tin lids as well. We started selling merch at our events and it seemed to go  well, so now you can buy it all online. 

The quality is really good and we stand behind it. We have worn them, thrashed them and turned old T's into grease rags for years.  

Any problems or questions drop us a line at getus@transmoto.com.au